Are you frustrated because no one sees your child as bright…only broken? Do you feel trapped by the labels your child’s received but confused because they offer no answers? Are you feeling defeated from hearing from doctors, teachers, and well meaning loved ones how your child is falling short? (You can’t see the good when everyone keeps pointing out the bad.)
We were once like you–wanting to be strong advocates for our bright, creative, complex kids but losing precious time stuck in an alphabet soup of labels and negative judgements. Our wakeup call came when we realized the trajectory of our children’s social, emotional, and academic health declined dangerously as they reached middle school.
That’s when we became moms on a mission to finds answers to save our children. Through our own research and collaboration with global leaders in giftedness, Autism, and ADHD, we learned that the diagnostic system is ineffective and focused on what was wrong with our children–their challenges and weaknesses. We decided that to minimize their challenges, we should first nurture what was right with them–their passions and strengths.
We developed the Bright Not Broken Blueprint so you can understand who these kids are, why they’re stuck, and how to help them. Our three part blueprint helps you gain the understanding, confidence and clarity to advocate fully for your child.
Why waste precious time always trying to “fix” what’s wrong with your child? The BNBB helps you understand your child’s challenges while encouraging you to focus on their unique passions to ensure their best life now and in the future.